English / ქართული /

Journal number 4 ∘ Giorgi Malashkhia
Consumer Excess Is A Challenge To Humanity

          The article examines the economic, social, and ethical aspects of such a widespread phenomenon as consumer surplus - excessive consumption and accumulation of good from the point of view of a eudemonic vision, human happiness. It is presented as a challenge to humanity, the overcoming of which is associated with the elimination of the harm of a number of human negatives - greed, the unreasonableness of needs and their satisfaction, etc. The article defines the essence of consumer surplus, explains its manifestations, causes of occurrence, and socio-economic consequences show what place is occupied by consumer surplus in people's lives. The author draws attention to the limitedness of reasonable needs and consumer power of a person, the senselessness of excessive consumption, and the accumulation of goods. Excessive consumption and accumulation of goods are assessed as deviant behavioral acts. The work focuses on the manifestations of consumer excess, economically intensive, social, and ethical reasons for their occurrence. They are explained by the psychological characteristics of consumers, the socio-economic environment. The focus is on the negative consequences for society and individual individuals that accompany this phenomenon of being. In particular, it confirms the economic harm that is caused to society and individual subjects from excessive consumption of goods. Excessively consumed and accumulated property is viewed as not bringing real benefits, their production - as an idle economy. Luxury is seen as a vicious manifestation of hedonism. There is shows the scale of excessive consumption and accumulation of good, which are presented from the point of view of moderation, rationality, imaginary and true well-being Concrete judgments substantiate how important it is to overcome consumer surplus for individuals and the whole society. It is argued that this does not contradict consumer sovereignty, but is in line with it and the public interest. The conclusion is made that condemnatory moderation greatly facilitates the rooting of the general welfare state, overcoming ecologically-intensive and social threats. Consequently, the disappearance of consumer surplus is presented as one of the problems of human progress.

Keywords: Consumer redundancy, Consumer society, Healthy needs, Consumption, To accumulate, Moderation, Hedonism, Luxury, Unnecessary items, Greed, WasteIdle economy, Consumer power, User sovereignty, Universal welfare, Happiness for everyone.

JEL Codes: E20, E21, E29.